jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Final Proyect

Alexis husband is Nereida.
Mariangel mother is Nereida.
Jose mother is Nereida.
Jesus mother is Nereida.
Mariangel father is Alexis.
Jose father is Alexis.
Jesus father is Alexis.
Mariangel sister is Jose.
Mariangel sister is Jesus.
Jose Brother is Jesus.

jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

What do you have in your purse?
I have a lipstick in my purse
I have a perfume in my purse
I have a cellphone in my purse
I have a pencil in my purse

I have a facial powder in my purse
I have a comb in my purse
I have a wallet in my purse
I have a pen drive in my purse
I have notebook in my purse
I have leaves in my purse
I have some markers in my  purse
I have my house keys in my purse

jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Present Progressive - Form

These are my class mates and their blogs

Ana Vivolo http://anavivolo.blogspot.com/
Luis Granadillo http://luisgranadillov.blogspot.com/
Maria Paz  http://mariacarolinapazocando.blogspot.com 
Lauris Fernandez http://laurisfernandezavila.blogspot.com/
Fabiola Sardi http://fabiolasardi.blogspot.com/
Elizabeth Carruyo http://elizabethcarruyo.blogspot.com/
Geovanna Pinzón http://geovannapinzon.blogspot.com/
Maria Fernanda Gonzalez http://mariafgonzalezg.blogspot.com/
Eliaines Matos http://eliainesm.blogspot.com/
Paola Guerere http://paolaguerere18.blogspot.com/
Eliaines Matos http://eliainesm.blogspot.com/
Marysabel Nava http://marysabelnava.blogspot.com/
Maria Paz  http://mariacarolinapazocando.blogspot.com/
Marysabel Nava http://marysabelnava.blogspot.com/
Andrea Chirinos http://andreaschs.blogspot.com/
Harold Nieles http://haroldnielesd.blogspot.com/
andrea cohen http://andreacohen08.bl0ogspot.com/
Alejandra Pérez http://acperezs.blogspot.com/
Mariolga Yagüa http://paiio23.blogspot.com/
Jose Fuenmayor http://jfuenmayor182.blogspot.com/
Emiralys Gutiérrez http://emiralysgutierrez.blogspot.com/
Bàrbara Orán  http://barbaralovesstyles.blogspot.com/
kevin Gonzalez http://kevingonzalez7.blogspot.com/
Leidimar Ramos http://leidimarramos.blogspot.com/
Mariangel Arteaga http://mariangelarteaga.blogspot.com/
Juan Alvarez http://juan-ap.blogspot.com/
Rossalen Reyes http://rossalenreyes.blogspot.com

Level 1. Unit 4 - What are you doing?

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012


-          What's your name?
  1. Jesus
  2. Leisy
  3. Hermilis

-          What's your last name?
  1. Arteaga
  2. Cornieles
  3. Arteaga

-          What's your nickname? how do you people call you?
  1. Chu
  2. Leis
  3. Hemi

-          What's your phone numer?
  1. 0426-83942549
  2. 0424-55448815
  3. 0426-22376007

-          What's your e-mail adress?
  1. Jesus@gmail.com
  2. Leisy@gmail.com
  3. Hemi@gmail.com

-          Who's your favorite actor?
  1. Megan Fox
  2. George Clooney
  3. Taylor Lautner

-          Who's your favorite singer?
  1. Pitbull
  2. Ricardo Arjona
  3. Luis Fonsi

-          Who's your favorite athlete?
  1. Lionel Messi
  2. Rafael Nadal
  3. Gerard Pique